Session C

Tuesday C1

We had a breezy day here at St. Vartan Camp. The weather was beautiful and the campers loved spending time outdoors. They played soccer in sports and enjoyed their time at the pool. Our arts and crafts teacher, Zaven Donoian, also took advantage of the nice weather and had the

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Monday C1

Session C is officially in full swing! The whole camp family woke up bright and early and gathered for chapel at eight o’clock. After being filled with a delicious batch of chocolate chip pancakes, campers went to their morning locations. The CITs did a great job at teaching Armenian dances

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Sunday C1

We’ve finally arrived at our last session, and we couldn’t be more excited to begin! The new batch of campers came in this afternoon, settled into their rooms and (eagerly!) bid farewell to their parents. At the opening meeting, we reviewed the schedule and the rules with the campers and

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