St. Vartan Blog

Thursday A1

Guess what everyone?!….It was talent show day tonight! Once again we switched up the schedule due to incoming rain, which made its way to Greenville mid afternoon. Everyone was excited that they got to swim and play dodgeball in the morning. All campers, CITs and staff participated in sports and

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Wednesday A1

Can anyone guess what day it was today? It was Wacky Wednesday at SVC! The staff got all decked out in mismatched and “wacky” clothing. We started the day pumped up and got the kids excited about doing something fun throughout the day. To go along with the wackiness we

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Tuesday A1

Today we were greeted with quite a bit heat, but we all made sure to stay HYEdrated through out the day. Everyone was a trooper and survived the heat, with a shortened sports and extended pool time so that everyone got a chance to cool off in the afternoon. Many

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Session A Begins!

Session A of the 2014 camp season is officially in full swing! After an evening of ice breakers and games on Sunday night, everyone had an opportunity to get to know one another. We had a full day of fun and activities today as the campers started the week headstrong.

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Friday C2

What an eventful end to our camp session and season. We woke up to pouring rain, but that couldn’t put a damper on the smiling faces! The rain continued throughout the morning with indoor activities for sports and packing time for swim. The rain held out for most of the

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Thursday C2

This morning we had to say goodbye to two special people here at camp. Our musical Maestro Khoren departed and so did our fabulous CIT coordinator Kathryn Ashbahian. She left us to direct a summer session at St. Nersess. The rain held off enough for us to get through all

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Wednesday C2

We packed in a lot today! In the morning, classes ran as scheduled. Just in case the impending rain put a stop to our plans, we moved up the CIT Hunt to the early afternoon. The CITs hid clues all over the campus, and when their campers found them, the

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Tuesday C2

Today was a stellar day. Everyone enjoyed the bright sunshine during sports, swim, and Arts and Crafts. Our A&C instructor, Christine Santourian, took advantage of the perfect weather and had the campers decorate the driveway with colorful chalk drawings. Joining us this week are multiple families and clergymen. We have

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Monday C2

Today we basked in absolutely beautiful weather! Our schedule switched this second week, so the teens had class in the morning while the juniors had sports and swim. Campers played a fierce game of kickball out in the fields during sports. Everyone soaked up their swim time in the bright

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Sunday C2

Today was another laid-back day here at St. Vartan Camp. This morning we celebrated Badarak, ate a hearty brunch, and welcomed nine new campers. The teens swam as much as they could until the rain kicked them out of the pool. Once the skies cleared up, the juniors were able

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